Wednesday, February 15, 2006


I don't really know how to describe my Valentine's Day. It was okay I guess. Thanks Berlin for the pretty flower and Arif for the rose and chocolate and Darryl for the teddy.

Honestly thanks guys. But I felt as though something was missing... I dont know what it is though but something was missing big time... and as the day progressed on it just didn't seem right. But hey I'm sure alot of girls had a nice day yesterday and were very happy.

Once again i shall go back to my previous post because I felt that way again after school. It's weird though, because you know that feeling that you get in your chest when you're really really really scared? yea. I got that. For no apparent reason now. call me CRAZY will you? Because I think i really am losing my mind.

oh gosh.

1 comment:

heroin_e said...

i hope you find your mind soon.

oh no. v day is like any other day. pfft. it's so sad for us hopeless romantic types.